Evaluation in USA

Evaluation is the procedure for confirming foreign education for the United States of America.


This procedure is necessary for employment or study in the USA. In simple words, your qualification obtained in Ukraine is transferred to the US education system.


Almost all US immigration programs require an evaluation of your diplomas. In order to do this, you need to provide your educational documents to a special authority that evaluates the compliance of your education with the American education system. Such an authority is WES. In addition to WES, there are other companies (ICAS, etc.). These companies are accredited by the Ministry of Immigration in the USA.


  1. To provide us with the originals of the diploma (certificate) and its supplement (if there is no apostille stamp on the documents) or scanned copies of the documents (if the documents are already apostilled).
  2. To register on the WES USA website and receive a registration number.


Evaluation WES USA Price, UAH. **
WES USA 10 working days 2000 UAH.
Application form 900 UAH.

You can calculate the full cost of the evaluation procedure for the USA by sending us a request for calculation. Please attach photos or scans of educational documents.


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